Romeo and Juliet

"Go then! I'm not going to leave this place. What's this bottle in my true love's hand? Poison! So that's how he died. Oh,my Romeo, haven't you left any for me? I'll kiss your mouth. Perhaps there's still some poison on it. Then I can taste it and join you death. Your mouth is still warm!"

「romeo and juliet 洋書 penguin amazon」の画像検索結果     Romeo and Juliet are sixteen years old and their family have conflict for a long time. However, they are fall in love each other and the love is never permitted by their parents. Their parents get angry because they decides to marry. After that, some murders happens over their marriage. Then, the king banishes Romeo from the country. Finally, she pretends to commit a suicide to get him again and make a family with him, but the worst thing which she does not intend is happen...
      Do they have a happy life and freedom?
      I have heard about this book roughly, but I read the whole story for the first time. The ending is tougher than I thought and it surprised me. I disagree with the rule which they cannot get a happy life without their permission. I want to live more freely.
