A big part

"Me! I am the turkey!"
Mark's class was to have the Thanksgiving play so his teacher was assigning parts of the play to them. All his friends got a good play such as a Pilgrim, tree , Plymouth Rock, and an Indian. He expected to get a big play like them but his play was the turkey. After he went back home, he talked his family about it. His brother ,Tim who have been a Pilgrim at the play made fun of his part. Then, he decided not to join the play and thought how he could skip it because he was worried about being laughed by the audience and his brother. Although, he could not the way to do that.
Finally, the day came when he appear on the stage. Suddenly, when they were playing, a boy who were the main character stop playing and looked sick. Surprisingly, Mark began to play instead of him and the play succeeded, thanked to him.

How did he save the stage as the turkey?

I learned that there is nothing which is useless and everyone plays an important role from this story.
