"That guitar seemed really good there in his hands. I don't know why. Tom looked like a star! Suddenly Tom smiled. I can't explain it, but it wasn't his usual nice smile. This smile was different. It was cold. "

GHOST IN THE GUITAR PGRN3』|感想・レビュー - 読書メーター
     Katherine is in a band and her dream is to be a big star. The band is called Steel City. Tom who is her boy friend plays the guitar in the band. She works in an electronics factory and he works in a supermarket. Both of them are not satisfied with their job. One day, their band is chosen as a finalist in a competition. All the band members are glad and start laughing. Unfortunately, she breaks his guitar when she jumps up. He looks sad. Then, she decides to buy new one but she does not have enough money to buy it. She cannot ask her parents for the money because they hate the band. Then, her younger sister gives the money for her. Finally, they get a new one. However, something is strange with him after he gets it. In fact, the guitar has a secret.
     This story is scary because Tom is controlled by the guitar. I read this kind of story for the first time. 
