The Red-headed League

 "What a long time it seemed! We waited for an hour and a quarter, but it seemed to me to be much longer. I was tired and stiff, but I was afraid to change my position. I could hear the gentle breathing of my companions. From my position I looked over the crate in the direction of the floor. Suddenly my eyes saw a light."
「the red headed league 洋書」の画像検索結果     A client who has red hair visits Mr. Sherlock Homes. The client gets interested in a want ad and he joins "Read-headed League". Actually, he is adopted a lot of applicants. The job is strange, in that he can get much money, even though it is a very simple task. Surprisingly, the league breaks up, so he is at a loss because he lose such a good job. Something bad happens on the flip side of it. Can you imagine why they do that?
     This story is a little difficult, but it is interesting, once you can understand the story roughly. I learned that our life is not so easy from this book. Of course, I may be attracted by high salary jobs, but money is not all my life!
